EEO Job Classifications for Private Organizations
Table of Contents
Private Organization (EEO Schedule 1)
Source: / EEO-1: Description of Job Categories (scroll to Appendix)
1.1 or A.1: Executive/Senior Level Officials and Managers
Individuals who plan, direct and formulate policies, set strategy and provide the overall direction of enterprises/organizations for the development and delivery of products or services, within the parameters approved by boards of directors or other governing bodies. Residing in the highest levels of an organization, these executives plan, direct or coordinate activities with the support of subordinate executives and staff managers. They include, in larger organizations, those individuals within two reporting levels of the CEO, whose responsibilities require frequent interaction with the CEO. Examples at the top level of management include:
- Chief executive, operating, and financial officers
- Chief information system, Human Resource, marketing, and legal officers
- Management directors and managing partners
- Presidents or executive vice presidents of functional areas or operating groups
- Line-of-business heads
1.2 or A.2: First/Mid Level Officials and Managers
Individuals who serve as managers, other than those who serve as Executive/Senior Level Officials and Managers, including those who oversee and direct the delivery of products, services or functions at group, regional or divisional levels of organizations. These managers receive directions from the Executive/Senior Level management and typically lead major business units. They implement policies, programs and directives of executive/senior management through subordinate managers and within the parameters set by Executive/Senior Level management. Examples at the first or mid-level of management include:
- Vice presidents and directors
- Group, regional, or divisional controllers and treasurers
- Information systems, Human Resource, marketing, and operations managers
The First/Mid Level Officials and Managers subcategory also includes those who report directly to middle managers. These individuals serve at functional, line of business segment or branch levels and are responsible for directing and executing the day-to-day operational objectives of enterprises/organizations, conveying the directions of higher level officials and managers to subordinate personnel and, in some instances, directly supervising the activities of exempt and non-exempt personnel.
Examples of operating managers are:
- First-line, team, and unit managers
- Operations, administrative services, and technical support managers
- Purchasing, production, transportation, storage, and distribution managers
- Call center or customer service managers
- Branch managers
- Brand or product managers
2 or B: Professionals
Most jobs in this category require bachelor and graduate degrees, and/or professional certification. In some instances, comparable experience may establish a person’s qualifications. Examples of professional positions include:
- Accountants and auditors
- Airplane pilots and flight engineers
- Architects, artists, and Designers
- Chemists
- Computer programmers
- Dieticians
- Editors
- Engineers
- Lawyers
- Natural, physical, mathematical, and social scientists
- Registered nurses
- Physicians and surgeons
- Teachers and Librarians
3 or C: Technicians
Jobs in this category include activities that require applied scientific skills, usually obtained by post-secondary education of varying lengths, depending on the particular occupation, recognizing that in some instances additional training, certification, or comparable experience is required. Examples of technicians include:
- Drafters and surveyors
- Emergency medical technicians
- Medical, dental, and x-ray technicians
- Chemical, laboratory technicians
- Broadcast and sound engineering technicians
4 or D: Sales Workers
These jobs include non-managerial activities that wholly and primarily involve direct sales. Examples of sales positions include:
- Advertising sales agents
- insurance sales agents
- Real estate brokers and sales agents
- Wholesale sales representative
- Securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents
- Telemarketers
- Demonstrators
- Retail salespersons
- Counter and rental clerks
- Cashiers
5 or E: Administrative Support Workers
These jobs involve non-managerial tasks providing administrative and support assistance, primarily in office settings. Examples of administrative support positions include:
- Administrative support workers, office support workers, and general office clerks
- Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks
- Data entry keyers and computer operators
- Cargo and freight agents, dispatchers, and couriers
- Shipping, receiving, and traffic clerks
- Word processors and typists
- Proofreaders and desktop publishers
6 or F: Craft Workers (formerly Craft Workers (Skilled))
Most jobs in this category includes higher skilled occupations in construction (building trades craft workers and their formal apprentices) and natural resource extraction workers. This category includes occupations related to the installation, maintenance and part replacement of equipment, machines, and tools. In addition,some production occupations are included, as distinguished by the high degree of skill and precision required to perform them, based on clearly defined task specifications. Examples of craft workers include:
- Automotive, boat, and aircraft mechanics
- Boilermakers
- Brick and stone masons
- Carpenters and roofers
- Demolition blasters and explosive workers
- Earth drillers, derrick operations, and oil and gas rotary drill operators
- Electricians
- Electric and electronic equipment repairers
- Etchers and engravers
- Factory pattern and tool-and-die makers
- Glaziers
- Painters (both construction and maintenance)
- Pipe layers, pipefitters, and steamfitters
- Plumbers
- Plasterers
7 or G: Operatives (formerly Operatives (Semi-skilled))
Most jobs in this category include intermediate skilled occupations and include workers who operate machines or factory-related processing equipment. This category also includes occupations that are concerned with operating and controlling equipment to facilitate the movement of people or materials. Most of these occupations usually require some training. Examples of operatives include:
- Butchers and other meat, poultry, and fish processing workers
- Electrical and electronic equipment assemblers
- Factory bakers and food processors
- Industrial forklift operators
- Laundry and dry cleaning workers
- Photographic process workers
- Semiconductor processors, testers, graders, and sorters
- Textile and weaving machine workers
- Truck, bus or taxi drivers
8 or H: Laborers and Helpers (formerly Laborers (Unskilled))
Jobs in this category include workers with more limited skills who require only brief training to perform tasks that require little or no independent judgment. Examples include:
- Construction laborers and helpers
- Freight, stock, and material movers
- General laborers
- Groundskeepers
- Production worker helpers
- Refuse and recyclable material collectors
- Septic tank servicers and sewer pipe cleaners
- Service station attendants
- Vehicle and equipment cleaners
9 or I: Service Workers
Jobs in this category include food service, cleaning service, personal service, and protective service activities. Skill may be acquired through formal training, job-related training or direct experience. Examples service workers include:
- Barbers and hairdressers
- Cleaners and janitors
- Cooks, bartenders, and other food service workers
- Medical assistants and healthcare support positions
- Transportation attendants and porters
- Ushers
- Transit and railroad police and fire fighters
- Guards
- Private detectives and investigators