Census Coding
Table of Contents
Before you Begin: Census Coding Data Preparations
Bringing in Census Codes with the AAP Data Set
The necessary Census Occupation codes may be imported with the plan's Data > Import, by including them in the Job Code Reference table.
Cross-reference: For important information on preparing the data set, see: BalanceAAP Data Requirements Guide.
How Auto Census Coding is Initiated
If census codes are not present in the data set (or some are blank), balanceAAP will perform Auto Census Coding to complete those entries when you exit the Data module.
Note: This feature also runs if you change the census data source after plan creation. To review (or change) the current census data source, navigate to Availability > Recruitment Areas, and click the toolbar's [Settings] button.
Census code assignments can be reviewed, and edited, as described next.
Review and Edit Census Coding
Whether Census Occupation codes have been imported and matched to Job Codes, or auto-assigned by the software, they can reviewed, edited, and exported. To do so, visit the Availability module by selecting Census Coding from the side navigation menu.
On entry, a comprehensive table of matches will display, indicating:
- Job Code
- Job Title
- Census Code
- Census Description
- Job Group
- Job Group Name
To the right, a Search field and work area displays for identifying codes and assigning them by Job Code.
Review Census Code Assignments
Filter the Table Display
Because the Census Coding table can be quite lengthy, Filter bars in the list header can reduce the display by the following variables. Expand one Filter menu at a time, as needed:
- Job Group — Check one or more.
- EEO Code — Check one or more.
- Census Code — Check one or more.
- Category — Select: All (default), Auto Census Coded, Changed [by import] Since Last Import, Changed Since Last Year OR New This Year.
- Other advanced options include: Aggregate Code and EEO Mismatch.
- Staffed (default^), Used OR All Job Codes — Select one of the three options.
^If Start Point analysis is in place for the History, the default selection will be: Used Job Codes.
Reset the Display
With the Reset Filters icon located in the window header, adjacent to the drop-downs, a filtered list can be reverted to the default display.
Search Census Codes
In the right-hand window, begin by selecting a Search Option:
- Keyword Search
- Census Group
- Occupation
Each of the three Search features will intuitively display, based on the chosen option:
- The Keyword option will present a Search bar, and a menu of available Census Codes, with navigation by scroll bar. To view an expanded description of any code, simply click the entry. Either enter a term in the Search bar, or scroll through the menu to find the desired code.
- The second Census Group option will present drop-down list of available groups, plus the Census Codes menu, to aid in locating a particular group and/or code.
- For a simple Search, choose the third option, Occupation. Enter a few letters or words (e.g., facility engineer).
Click the Clear Search icon to begin a new Search.
Expand an Entry to Show Definition and Statistics
Simply click the [Job Code] entry to expand the listing. When expanded, the Standard Occupation Code (SOC) definition and statistics for the demographic availability of minorities and women for the code will display.
Cross-reference: See Factor Weights to review the instructions for creating weighted statistics.
Edit a Census Code Assignment
Take the following steps to edit an assignment:
- Locate one or more Job Code(s) on the Census Coding table, using the Filter tools (described above), if helpful.
- Then, check the box to the left of each entry you wish to include.
- In the right-hand window, search for, select, or navigate to, the replacement Census Code, using the Search window tools (as described above).
- Click the [Assign census code [XXXX]] button.
Recommended: Review the updated Census Coding table to confirm the changes are satisfactory.
Export Census Code Matches to Excel
Before performing an export, make sure the displayed matches are complete and satisfactory. Then, select the [Export to Excel] button, located in the window footer. Follow the prompts to open and save the file on your computer or network.
Master Plan Considerations
Will Census Code Updates Apply Globally or Locally?
When working with a Master plan/sub plan set, it is critical to consider whether an update will apply across all sub plans or be limited to one or a few establishments.
Global Edits If changes will apply globally, edit the assignments in the Master plan. Follow the instructions above to: Edit a Census Code Assignment. The default setting, shown in the right-hand window footer is to: Cascade (edits) to sub plans.
Quick Tip: Census Codes can still be reviewed within a sub plan and edited for that location's particular needs as outlined below.
Sub-plan Edits — If changes are limited to one location (or a few), enter each sub plan to edit the Census Code assignments, following the editing instructions above.