Factor Weights Information
Table of Contents
Assign Weighting to External and Internal Availability
Understanding Factor Weights
In determining the total Availability result, Factor Weights represent the relative importance of External Availability versus Internal Availability in placement outcomes. So, for each Job Group, you will determine what percentage of new entrants into the group are likely to result from external hires, and what percentage are likely to result from internal promotions.
Before you begin: Complete calculations for: Recruitment Areas (Availability Factor 1) and Internal (Availability Factor 2).
On first entry to Availability > Factor Weights, the settings for all Job Groups will default to 100-percent External and zero-percent Internal. However, this ratio must be changed to reflect your organization’s specific hiring and promotion practices.
Note: The system will perform system calculations when the Factor Weights module is accessed after underlying Availability settings are determined or updated. As part of this operation, the software will recommend a Promotion Percentage you can use (as described below), or you may enter in the weighting.
Apply Promotion Percentage
For each Job Group, balanceAAP will calculate the promotions versus hires ratio from personnel action data and display the percentage in the secondary header of the Factor Weights table. To accept the system's calculation, click [Apply Percentage] next to the Promotion Percentage tagline.
From the pop-up menu, choose whether to apply the calculated weights to the:
- Current Job Group
- All Job Groups
Then, set a threshold for the minimum percentage to be allowed for weighting Factor 1 and Factor 2. After making these selections, click [Apply]. The Promotion Percentage will be assigned to the Factor 2 weight, and the Factor 1 weight will be updated for a sum of 100%.
Enter Weights for Factors 1 and 2
Make a selection from the Job Group drop-down. Enter the percentage of expected hires to this group into the first field under: Weight for Factor 1. Then press TAB on your keyboard, and the Factor 2 weight will be applied automatically to total 100%. Click [Save] to apply the changes, then repeat for all Job Groups.
Factor 2 Verification
"Feeders are not present" Alert
To protect the integrity of Factor 2 in determining Availability, the Factor Weights header (below the header toolbar) will display an alert when Feeders are not present. If the Job Group should have Feeders (most will), please return to Internal (Availability), and set them up.
Run the Factor 2 Check
Once all weights have been applied to Internal Availability (Factor 2), select [Check Factor 2] from the table header to ensure there is consistency between Job Group feeders and those weights. If applied properly, a message will indicate: There are currently no groups that fail the Factor 2 check.
System rule regarding Factor 2 weights: A Job Group should not have weight applied for Factor 2 when it contains no feeders; likewise, if a Job Group has feeders, it should indicate some Factor 2 weight. If the system locates these inconsistencies, a menu displays, allowing them to be corrected. The Factor 2 Check will also review the Availability at the Sub Plans level and will indicate the needed corrections where necessary.
Correct Job Groups with Weights but no Feeders
Check the box next to one or more Job Groups. Click [Remove Weight From Selected Job Groups] to clear this issue.
Correct Job Groups with Feeders but no Weights
First, check the box next to one or more Job Groups. Then select one of these global options:
- [Remove Feeders From Selected Job Groups]
- [Add Weights to Selected Job Groups]
For those Job Groups with weights, the weight entry may be edited, using the numerical field to the right of the Job Group record. Once any issues are corrected, a message indicates a successful Factor 2 check.
Review Availability versus Incumbency Results
Once weights are assigned, the Factor Weights screen displays results.
Show Results as People
The default view displays the results in percentage. Radio buttons in the upper toolbar allow the view to be toggled between:
- Show Percent
- Show People
Raw Statistics
The Raw Statistics column on the left displays the data before weighting.
Quick Tips: To see the full calculation of the raw external statistics, run the REQUISITE SKILLS CALCULATION report. To see the full calculation of the raw internal statistics, refer to the FEEDER JOBS CALCULATIONS report. For more information on running reports, see: AAP Reports.
Weighted Statistics
The Weighted Statistics column on the right displays the results for Factor 1 and Factor 2 after weight has applied to the Raw Statistics. As described below, additional results are available:
After weighting, Availability is the sum of the Factor 1 and Factor 2 percentages.
Calculated directly from the Roster Data table, Employment is the percentage of minorities and females currently utilized in the Job Group. Also known as Incumbency, Employment will be compared to Availability. If the resulting value is highlighted in red, Availability exceeds Incumbency by an amount greater than the selected Utilization Rule allows. A goal will be set in the plan to rectify the underutilization.
Stat Value
BalanceAAP will use a statistical analysis to determine if Availability exceeds Incumbency by a statistically significant amount. If this value is highlighted in red, the results are statistically significant.
Quick Reminder:
- For more information on Utilization Rule, see: Factor Weight Settings.
- To review Statistics Settings, see: Plan > Plan Settings > Availability Calculation Settings.
If Availability exceeds Incumbency, Shortfall is the number of whole persons needed to rectify the underutilization.