User Management
Table of Contents
Administer User Credentials in BALANCEaap
Note: The functions described in this article are for users with Administrative-level permissions; these functions may not display or be editable in your environment. If you have questions regarding the functions available to you, please contact your system Administrator or Berkshire’s Product Support, as appropriate for your role and organization.
The User Management module houses a comprehensive Users list, allowing the Administrator to review, update, and maintain user accounts for balanceAAP (and other balanceWORKS products, if purchased). Your organization’s software Implementation comes preloaded with accounts for an initial group of users. If you are an Administrator, you may add a new user or edit an existing user record.
To access user records and accompanying tools:
- Click the System Tools icon in balanceAAP's page header.
- From the drop-down menu, select the Security / User Management link.
The Users list, along with the AAP detail view (as described below), will display in the balanceWORKS > User Management environment.
How User Management is Organized
Entries for existing users will appear in the left-hand column. By selecting a line item here, the Administrator can review details for the highlighted user in the right-hand window.
The user record's "detail view" will display the following tabs to guide system administration:
- User Info — The entry tab, containing Basic Information.
- Security — A tab for the Administrator to require the user to: Change Password on Logon. This is applicable for a new user or to allow an existing user to reset his or her Password.
- AAP — A software-specific tab, comprised of menus for editing the current access assignments. (For subscribers to multiple balanceWORKS applications, a tab will respresent each product.)
Quick Reminder : While a software Profile can be assigned to the user in User Management, its definition is controlled through: Profile Management.
User Management List tools
Filter the Users List
To review options and customize the User list view, click the Change Filters icon from the Users column header. The Change Filters menu will display, comprised of:
- A static Options column on the left side
- A right-hand column, displaying Application-Specific Filters by tab
Navigate to the Change Filters > AAP tab. Then, check off one or more options from the Profiles and/or Locations menus. Apply the action by clicking the [Apply Filter] button, located in the upper toolbar.
Quick Tip: If your organization has numerous Locations, usebTRAK-specific Filters to reduce the display of access options.
Include Inactive Users
After choosing the Change Filters icon, navigate to the Options column. Check the box next to the tagline: Show Inactive Users. Apply this option by pressing [Apply Filter].
Clear an Existing Filter
A yellow banner at the top of the User list will indicated the Filter is in place. To restore the full User list, click the banner's Clear Filter link.
Search the Users List
Particularly beneficial for organizations with large numbers of users, a Search bar is located in the User list's upper toolbar. Simply enter part of an Email (address), First Name, or Last Name to return one or more results.
Restore the full User list by returning to the Search bar and pressing the Delete icon.
What Elements are Needed to Create a New User?
The BALANCEaap software user is defined by the following administrative actions:
- Create the user in the system, based on identifying information (i.e., Email, First Name, Last Name)
- Activate the user
- Assign an overall BALANCEaap Profile to the user (e.g., Reports Only – Specific Plans)
- Designate the user's access by plan (e.g., Baltimore, Fargo)
- Assign a Plan Profile (e.g., Reports, with Dashboard)
- Designate the user's access by plan (e.g., Baltimore, Fargo)
Quick Tip: Users cannot be deleted from the system. Therefore, if the email address for an existing user changes, this update can be accomplished by: (1) Creating a new user recorded, tied to the new email address; and (2) deactivating the prior user record in the system – as outlined in this article.
Add a New User
From the upper toolbar in the left column, click the [Add New] button to open a blank User Info tab:
- Enter the Email (address) to serve as the user’s login ID.
Caution: Because the Email address identifies the user, only one user per email address can be added to the system.
- Enter the user’s First Name, Last Name, and (optional) Phone Number/Extension.
- The Active button will be on by default, but can be switched to off, if needed.
- Toggle the Activation Email (at this time or later). The Activation Email message to the new user will contain a link to the software Login page.
Click [Add] to append the Users list with the new entry.
Proceed to the user's:
- Security tab, and require the new user to change his or her password on log in
- AAP tab, for software-specific controls and access by AAP
Click [Save] to apply the updated settings.
Edit an Existing User's Record
From the User Management screen, click the user’s Email Address entry in the left-hand Users column.
Deactivate (or Activate) the User
As a critical setting, the Active toggle switch turns on (or turns off) the user's access to log into a balanceWORKS application.
Accordingly, this setting is stored on the User Info tab for each user. Select the user from User list, navigate to the bottom of the Basic Information menu, and change the setting. Click the [Save] button to apply.
Quick Tip: Because an exiting user cannot be deleted, deactivation serves as the setting for "removing" the user.
Require User to Change Password OR Change Password Administratively
Highlight the user's Email Address in the Users column. In the detail view, navigate to the Security tab. Then, review and determine the appropriate settings:
- Toggle the switch on to: Change password on next login.
- Click the Change Password link, and enter a new Password for the user.
Apply the [Save] button.
Change the User's BALANCEaap Profile
Open the user's AAP tab to display the Plan Profile options and settings for the particular user. Review the overall software Profile, shown just below the tab header, as this setting provides the top-level control. A change to this setting can be applied to the user, via a separate [Save] button.
Change the User's Plan Profile
Both the overall (above) and plan-specific assignments are controlled via the user's AAP tab.
(Optional) First, determine whether to filter the Plan table, if necessary, based on check box options for plan type:
- Master
- Sub
- Regular
- Show Only Current Access
Move down to the Plan table, comprised of line items, representing your organization's existing Plans, as identified by Plan Name, Location, and Profile, the current permission level. All plans can be checked off by clicking the box in the header next to: Plan.
Quick Tip: The Plan Profile drop-down menu, displayed in the lower toolbar controls what is shown in the Profile column.
From the lower drop-down menu, choose a Plan Profile. Finally, determine how to assign the Profile:
- Apply to this plan
- Apply to all related plans for this user
- Apply to all plans for this user
Quick Tip: If you want to make a Profile change for a particular plan, select it from the Plan table before choosing a Plan Profile from the drop-down. Next, select: Apply to this plan.
Finally, for the selected plan(s), determine whether to:
- Allow: Salary Access
- Report View (For users who are limited to reviewing plan results, this setting restricts the interface to standard Reports and Dashboard views.)
If the information has been updated, press the [Save] button at the bottom of the tab.
Quickly Turn off User Access to all BALANCEaap Plans
Navigate to the selection toolbar at the bottom of the user's AAP tab:
- Expand the Plan Profile drop-down and select: No Access.
- Click the radio button or: Apply to all plans for this user.
- [Save] the change.
View Administration Privileges
By user, the client-side Administrator can review whether Administration privileges are currently turned on (or off) by Berkshire. This setting is located in the user's User Info tab, in the right-hand column.