Reporting Levels - Drilldowns
Table of Contents
Create Organization-specific AAP Reporting within a Plan
(Optional) If you would like reporting within a plan to mirror departmental units or points of command, access: Settings > Reporting Levels > Drilldowns.
What are Drilldowns?
By using a Drilldown, an Affirmative Action plan is broken down into smaller units so that Reports can be organized by these units. A Zip code may also be associated with the Drilldown unit to assist in building External Availability > Recruitment Areas. The system offers a menu of standard Drilldowns, and custom Drilldowns may be created, as described in this article.
Important Reminder: The “Department” Drilldown (and Sector) is built in to balanceAAP and available by default.
About Standard Drilldown Fields
The system supplies the following standard Drilldowns, based on typical fields included in a plan’s Reference Tables and Data Tables:
- Department (Permanent)
- Job Group
- Grade
- Job Title
Note: The system will make Grade available if a Grade Reference table is included, and the Data Tables include a Grade field.
About Custom Drilldown Fields
Up to five custom Drilldowns to represent organizational units can also be defined (e.g., Division, Store [number], Branch).
Important Caution: For best results, add the custom Drilldown prior to importing the associated Reference and Data tables. If the custom Drilldown is added afterwards, balanceAAP will attempt to match the Drilldown to an existing user field. However, if a custom Drilldown lacks underlying an underlying field or data entries, all Data records will be placed in Errors.
Add a Drilldown
From the Drilldowns tab, click the [Add] button. Enter a: Drilldown Name.
Quick Tip: Both the Drilldown Name and the associated field name (described below) may be the same for ease of organization.
Using the Create Drilldown menu, choose one of the following:
- Create New Field — Enter the field name.
Match Tables
- Use Existing Field — Select a field from the provided drop-down.
Click [Save].
Using Reports > Filter, you can later select the Drilldown Name, and run Reports, based on the Drilldown.
Allow the Drilldown to have Sectors
While adding a Drilldown, check the box adjacent to the tagline: This drilldown will have sectors. Enter a: Sector Name. Click [Save].
Cross-reference: To learn about building Sectors for reporting, see: Sectors (Optional).
Import Drilldowns from an Existing Plan
From the Drilldowns tab:
- Select the [Import] button.
- The Import Source menu displays. From the provided drop-downs, choose the plan that contains the Drilldowns by selecting the Company, Establishment, and Plan. Click [Next].
- A confirmation messages states: All Drilldowns will be overwritten. Click [Import Drilldowns].
- A Results message appears, documenting the transaction. Choose: Go to Plan Home, or Go to Drilldowns and view the updated page.
Other Drilldown Tools
Activate or Deactivate a Drilldown
To make the Drilldown available (and the associated field required), ensure that the Drilldown’s Active box is checked on the list. To aid in the performance for other functions, deactivate a Drilldown by deselecting the check box in the Active column.
Edit or Delete a Drilldown
To edit the name of the Drilldown or other settings, click the Edit icon next to the Drilldown Name, and make changes in the Edit Drilldown menu. To delete a Drilldown, click the Delete icon, and confirm deletion.