Data Tables
Table of Contents
Data Tables house the actual data entries for the AAP evaluation period, describing each member of the applicant pool and the employee Roster, with supplemental tables documenting personnel actions.
- For information on what plan data are needed and how tables should be formatted, see: Understanding BalanceAAP Data Import Requirements.
- After changes are made to system data, AAP and HRIS data will no longer match. For instructions on exporting the data after plan completion, see: Export Data.
Review and Edit Data Tables in BalanceAAP
Once the Data > Import is complete, the next step is to verify the completeness of the resulting Data > Data Tables and make edits as necessary.
Because the Roster Data table forms the backbone of the AAP, this table should be thoroughly reviewed. Some fields may require editing if the information is not contained in your HRIS and/or not imported from the Roster file.
Key Fields to Review
Protected Veteran — In addition to supporting AAP analyses on New Hire data, the Protected Veteran field also supports creating the VETS-4212 report from Roster data.
- An entry of “Yes” or “True” will indicate an employee belongs to the class. A blank entry indicates that the person is either not a member of these two classes or chose not to self-identify.
IWD — This value indicates the current Individuals with Disabilities (IWDs) status. Disability status for an employee may change over time.
- An entry of “Yes” or “True” will indicate an employee belongs to the class. A blank entry indicates that the person is either not a member of these two classes or chose not to self-identify.
- Annotation Only — This box should be checked if the employee works at another location with less than 50 employees that is being rolled into the current plan. When the Work Location field is populated for applicable employees, click [Annotation Helper] (in the table header) to globally match the location to: Annotation Only.
- Work Location — A text description (e.g., “Chicago, IL”) placed here is helpful for organizing the internal workforce. Work Location is necessary for using the Annotation Helper (described above).
- Work and Home Zip Codes — To calculate External Availability via the Recruitment Area Wizard, make sure each Roster employee record contains a Zip Code (five digits).
- Compensation Data — Include data for OFCCP submission, including columns and data entries for: Wage Rate, Typical Hours in Work Week, Other Compensation, and Status.
- Remote — This box should be checked if the employee works remotely. When an employee in your plan is marked as Remote, they will be treated as part of the United States region when calculating Availability.
Click the [Apply] button, and the Roster will be updated, accordingly.
Because applicants may choose not to self identify, the Applicant table may contain blank cells for Race Code, Gender Code, IWD status, and/or Veteran status. However, the applicant will be included and counted in Reports for which data are present and excluded where the entry is missing, so check the accuracy of any blank cells.
If you want to build Recruitment Areas for calculating External Availability using Applicant Zip codes, each applicant record must contain this information. Additionally, If the Requisition # column is populated, the system can calculate the number of openings, a statistic that supports IWD/Veterans analyses. The Requisition # also provides an identifier for reconciling Applicant and New Hire data.
New Hire
Hire date is required by the system if information is to be included in file consistency checks. The hire date is also used to determine the
minimum/maximum number of employees for VETS reporting. To ensure that the system counts Protected Veterans and Individuals with Disabilities correctly, check that proper data entries are present for IWD Status (true/false) and Protected Veteran Status (true/false). A blank entry should indicate that the employee did not self-identify as belonging to one of these groups.
Termination date is required by the system if information is to be included when running file consistency checks. Termination date is also used to calculate the minimum/maximum number of employees for VETS reports.
Promotion and Transfer
Promotion date is required by the system if information is to be included when the system runs file consistency checks. Promotions data are useful in determining the Internal Availability of personnel for jobs within your organization.
(Optional) Promotion and Termination Pools
To run the ADVERSE IMPACT FOR PROMOTION POOLS report (and accompanying DETAIL), Promotion ID must be populated on the Promotion Data table for each selected employee, and a corresponding Promotion Pool Data table must be populated. To relate the records, the Promotion ID must be included for records on the Pool Data table.
Likewise, the ADVERSE IMPACT FOR INVOLUNTARY TERMINATIONS POOL report (and DETAIL) requires Termination ID coding on the Termination Data table for each selected employee (where a pool is available). Then, each member of an employee pool must be included in the Termination Pool Data table, marked with the appropriate Termination ID.
Cross-reference: To build the Pool Data tables, refer to: Understanding BalanceAAP Data Import Requirements / Optional AAP Data by Table.
(Optional) Drilldowns
If Drilldowns have been created to represent Reporting Levels, the Drilldown field must be included in all Data Tables; incomplete entries will be placed in Errors.