Profile Management
Table of Contents
About Profiles and Profile Management
Note: The functions described in this article are for users with Administrative-level permissions; these functions may not display or be editable in your environment. If you have questions regarding the functions available to you, please contact your system Administrator or Berkshire’s Product Support, as appropriate for your role and organization.
Profile Management tools help the balanceAAP Administrator control how user groups interact with the software, through the granting of permissions to View, Add, Edit, and Delete information at two levels.
Based on the most common needs of client organizations, Berkshire will include some standard Profiles with the software installation. However, these existing Profiles can be edited, or custom Profiles may be created to meet the unique needs of your organization. Once Profiles are saved here, they can be assigned to users, via: User Management > AAP tab (per the article linked above).
How Profile Management is Organized
Permissions are granted at two Profile levels, represented by tabs in the Profile Management column:
System (Software wide)
- Plan (Critical for those who are managing permissions for multiple location plans)
Simply click the inactive tab in the tab header to navigate between the Profile Management lists for the two Profile levels.
Review an Existing Profile
Begin by highlighting an existing Profile in the Profile Management column. Then, glance over to the "detail view", comprised of tabs for:
- Profile Information — Displays the Profile Name and basic tools for quickly working with the highlighted Profile, including making one Active/inactive
- Permissions — Detailed tables, in a check box format, with options for defining the Profile
- Reports (Plan Profile only) — Granular permissions to view Reports, by title and Report Group.
Some ways to take advantage of these tabs are described below.
Copy a Profile
An existing Profile may serve as the "model" for a new one. If this is the case, select the Profile, and then press the Copy icon from the upper toolbar.
Review the Profile settings, and if necessary, proceed to editing them, as described below.
Edit System or Software Profile Permissions
Simply highlight an existing entry in the Profile Management column, and make changes as needed. Typically, most Administrators will proceed to the Permissions tab:
Check off (or deselect) the displayed Permissions, as needed, to:
- View
- Add
- Edit
- Delete
Click [Save] to apply any new settings to the Profile.
Example: Permissions could be set for Recruitment Areas:
- The Administrator can have the authority to View, Add, Edit, and Delete Reasonable Recruitment Areas (RRAs), making specified RRAs available in the System.
- Through more limited access, the Basic User can be allowed to View RRAs at the Plan level, so he or she can make RRA selections.
Edit the Profile Name
Any Profile Name may be edited on the detail view's Profile Information tab, perhaps to better correspond with your organization's terminology. Remember to click [Save] after updating the entry.
Deactivate or Delete an Existing Profile
These two actions are available on the Profile's Profile Information tab, based on your administrative permissions:
- To make the Profile inactive, toggle the Active switch to: off. This is the best option when an outdated Profile is assigned to at least one user.
- To remove a Profile, click the [Delete] button. An assigned Profile cannot be deleted.
(Optional) Add a Custom Profile
From the Profile Management column's upper toolbar, select the Add New icon. Enter a Profile Name. Then, check off whether to:
- Assign this profile when creating a plan
- Assign this profile by default when publishing a plan
The boxes are unchecked by default.
Move on to the displayed toggle switch, which is: Active by default. The switch may be turned off while you are developing the Profile further.
To define the Profile Permissions, follow the instructions above to: Edit a Profile. When saved, the Profile is added to the Profile Management column. In addition to being available for assignment to users, the Profile may be edited in the future.